
  • Fabric Building

    model_blue4.2a.jpgThis model which measures approximately 8'w x 6'h x 2'd was my first large scale exploration of designing a building using only fabric as a building material. The result was very helpful in understanding the forces required to keep the tensile material in the shape I desired.  This piece represents my first true effort to understand the nature of the material I wished to use in construction.



    Exhibited at:

    • "6+1X" - R.E.Load Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  :  September - October 2003
    • "Hollow Work" - Regina Salva Gallery, Washington DC :  November - December 2005

  • Fabric Reinforcement Model

    p1.7a.jpgThis piece describes the concept of fabric reinforced concrete at a larger more detailed scale. The piece shows two stages of the construction process. The upper half of the model shows the fabric reinforcement before the concrete has been applied to it, and the lower half shows the concrete (described with plaster in the model) after it has been applied to the reinforcing. The middle section shows a cutaway revealing of the reinforcing layer within as it stretches upward towards the enclosure.

    Exhibited at: